There are three gold sources, and these will stay as the best gold sources for the rest of the game. If you are missing Clan Ship artifacts and have artifacts for one of the other builds, using that build will give you the best overall results. Typically, you want to select the build based on what artifacts you have. Daggers don’t shine at any particular point in the midgame, but if your artifacts line up cleanly, they can be a viable option to use. Gold Gun has a similar bonus where it has a very high base splash skip from the Golden Forge talent, and although it will be very slow for players and you may not have all the relevant artifacts, it can be fast if it’s the only build with sufficient splash skip. Heavenly Strike is one of the more popular midgame builds due to the high amount of base splash skip, thus allowing Heavenly Strike to splash even when Clan Ship cannot. If you have all the Heavenly Strike artifacts, you may want to opt for this build, otherwise you likely will lose some stages if you switch to it too soon. Heavenly Strike builds are stronger than Pet builds, but they also require you to invest a lot of skill points in mana skills. Shadow Clone is weaker than Clan Ship, and it is slower unless you unlock the Ruthless Necromancer mythic set. The biggest benefit to Pet builds is the amount of Splash Skip available in the skill tree via Ember Arts, so if you are stuck and unable to max splash, Pet is very good. Pet builds tend to fall off until you get higher pet and SP levels, but they are still playable and viable. Most players will stick with Clan Ship for the mix of damage and speed that it provides. However, you get far more options for what you want to use. Just like in the early game, the midgame mostly cares about your artifacts as the deciding factor on what build to use.
Tap titans 2 builds free#
Feel free to discuss in the comments about this, I'd love to hear what your experiences with your builds have been. I'd also like to say that this is my own opinions, and I did the testing using my own accounts with max level clans, all artifacts, all sets, etc. Please read the headers and the description underneath before going to the comments section and flaming me about being crazy. I’m going to be using three sets of terms to separate out players during this discussion: early game, midgame, and endgame. If you've read these meta analysis a lot, just skip to the TL DR at the bottom. Overall, this is the largest shakeup we’ve had since 5.17’s skill tree reworks, and the meta is a lot healthier now with the differences in speed and power reduced a lot between the top and bottom options. New skills released for all builds, removed and reworked skills, new multi-casting skills specifically for Clan Ship, Heavenly Strike, and Shadow Clone, as well as some speed changes to the builds.

5.22 had a fairly large shake-up of the build meta.